Uniview Uniarch Uho-S1 2.0MP Dome IP Camera
The Uniview Uniarch Uho-S1 2.0MP IP Camera is simple to set up and use. It has clear and smooth video surfing; intelligent transmission that makes maximum use of the network's capabilities. Online firmware upgrading and synchronous function and experience updating This IP camera support two-way audio and remote real-time monitoring via Android and iOS smartphones. Night vision IR light; 24-hour round-the-clock monitoring It has an Intelligent push to filter out irrelevant data. Intelligent QR code connection, as well as person detection, pet photo, and activity zone. Users can accurately draw the zone of Interest. Information will be filtered during the alarm push process. If you set the target category(person, pet ) in the App, the cloud Al system will only push notifications when the targets are detected. The irrelevant information will be filtered. The Uniview Uniarch Uho-S1 2.0MP IP Camera comes with a 01-year warranty.